Woman's bone broken During Arm Wrestling Match and she remain calm.

Argentina,Woman's Bone broken, Game show,live,
The incident happen in Argentina during arm wrestling.

A Woman's Bone broken by her opponent in the wrestling match, on game show. The game show called "En Que Mano Esta" is Argentina Game in which two womens competing.
This video contain so painful moment and at all social medias it get quick response. All the viewer who are their, shock at first moment. After realise that what happen, all contestant rush toward her and gives support her arm...
This is so painful moment, opponent woman also shock when she got it, and she suddenly pick up her arm. Even though Her bone snapped, she remain surprisely calm during the incident happen.. 

Their present all escort and safty man take her hospital and it is found that her bone broken. Pamela get plaster on her hand and rest for months.. It's so terrible case that happens on Friday. ..

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