On 16 may, at the conference of cyber security in Netherlands. A 11-year-old child we say "cyber Don" stunned the senior security experts by his exploits. He hacked into Bluetooth devices to remote the teddy wear from far and prove that there are low security in the field of technology..
It's none other guy , He is reuben Paul who is the cyber master and still studying in sixth standard in school of Austin,Texas.
He illustrated all the things in deep to explain all, He hacked all the Bluetooth devices and operate teddy bear which is connected to internet via Wi-Fi.
He also break down the Bluetooth credentials of senior security experts, which are enabled to operate teddy bear. He control teddy bear by sending or receive instructions. (Arduino)
Then He show exclusive hack that from one of Bluetooth device, mess it's light and start trasfer recorded message of public through teddy bear..
It's not first time, he made waves in ground zero at summit in 2015 at the age of 9-year.
Today we require a such a kind of genius, for protect peoples from wannacry, ransomware like virus..
He found our the very important view of Internet Of things (IOT), that any thing from terminator to toy can be "weaponised".
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